
Creating a Healthy Learning Environment: 5 Essential Home Classroom Picks

Whether you choose public, private, or home school, research shows that the most important factors in overall educational success are positive home influence and parental involvement. 

Every day, more and more parents are asking our designers for help designing a space that encourages learning and education, so we’re sharing our Top 5 Home Classroom Must-Haves to foster a healthy learning environment!

We understand the importance a student’s environment has on learning and how having a dedicated learning space to foster and support these benefits will set both the parents and students up for success.

Alongside our essentials for your home classroom, consider how the rest of your space can promote independence and self-discovery.

Additional considerations for your home classroom:

  • Large, open space with room for thinking

  • Stimulating artwork from resident artists

  • Technology, such as TVs or computers, to enhance learning

  • Comfortable seating options for a variety of activities

  • Bright colors and patterns to make the space fun and unique

  • Teacher supplies, chalkboards, and marker boards are key for lessons

  • Stacked cabinets for symmetrical storage

  • Open cubbies for easy access to bins and baskets

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